The King of Orixás

Xangô (read Shango) is the God of fire, thunder and lightning. He represents the king of all orixás, the most powerful of them all, an archetype of a ruler and just judge. He is also a very charismatic man…
Orixa Xangô is firm and secure, he defines the divine law. Even the laws of karma. His firmness and boundaries give way for the opening of the heart and abiding by the law in love. His love is just. He also teaches the strength of forgiveness and an understanding for weakness. The divine truth is unquestionable, just as Xango’s energy is on this earth likened to mountains and rocks. It is only possible to find balance with a solid foundation and a resting point. Thanks to Xangô and his support, goodness and peace may prevail. Through Xangó comes the realisation of the true values in life.
Xangô has a powerful, charismatic personality. He is passionate and he represents the archetype of a masculine, galant seducer, whom no woman can resist. He overflows with graceful movement and has a sense for rhythm, which he enthusiastically applies on the dance floor and during the playing on the cong. Dressed in his colours of red and white, he grips in his hand a double-bitted axe Oxe, with which he punishes thieves and liars.
Xangô protects everyone, who abides by the law, but punishes those who disturb the order and balance. He cannot stand inequality and deception. He is an advocate of the poor. He represents what force a power has in the hands of truth and heart. He can help us guard the integrity of our character. People turn to Xangô to secure strength and justice. It is appropriate to ask Xangô for help only when we are just and honest in our lives. If we act unjustly towards someone, Xangô will give us the receipts. Otherwise, Xangô can help during a litigation, with money and prosperity. With his help, nothing is blocking one’s path. As a prototype of a kind and honest partner, he can also work in favour of harmonised relationships and love. Given his sense for justice, he always demands a corresponding energy for his involvement. Because his energy can even be fiery, it is appropriate, in the beginning, to please him with honest prayers and the singing of pontos best done on Wednesday.
His month is June, when he celebrates his holiday on the 24th of June just like Saint John the Baptist and on the 29th of June like Saint Peter.